Welcome to West Michigan Childbirth Education!
West Michigan Childbirth Education, Trained and certified as Lamaze Childbirth Educators and DONA doulas, Hannah and Carrie have one simple goal: For all our parents to have a safe and healthy birth and to feel confident, supported and empowered to make informed decisions as they navigate their path through pregnancy, birth and parenthood.
When working with the West Michigan Childbirth Education group you can look forward to a fun, hands-on learning experience, centered on evidence-based information, comprehensive teaching of the physical and mental aspects of labor & birth, coping strategies, informed decision-making skills, community and more!
Together, Carrie and Hannah have supported over 250 families and are intimately aware of the growing needs and desires of our clients for a more informed, confident and empowering birth experience. With that in mind, our Lamaze childbirth class is built on evidence-based information and the foundation from Lamaze Internationals Six Healthy Birth Practices:
Let labor begin on its own.
Walk, move around and change positions throughout labor
Bring a loved one, friend or doula for continuous support.
Avoid interventions that are not medically necessary.
Avoid giving birth on your back and follow your body’s urges to push.
Keep parents and baby together; it’s best for the parent, baby and breastfeeding.

Available Classes
Lamaze Childbirth Education
Are you ready for labor and birth? This Lamaze childbirth series prepares you for what you actually need to know and what others wish they had known. You’ll learn in-depth about the physiology of birth and mental aspects associated with it, natural and medical pain management options available to you, bodywork for pregnancy and hands-on coping skills, informed decisions making skills, your rights and options and so much more!
Breastfeeding Basics
Breastfeeding can be an amazing and bonding experience! Getting a good solid foundation can make a world of difference. Here we set the stage for success by teaching you the benefits of breastfeeding, how to identify a range of feeding cues, and practice different feeding positions. We help identify and maintain a secure latch, discuss feeding frequency, newborn weight gain and pumping basics. This is a space to address common concerns/questions and leave you with confidence when it comes to feeding your baby.
Postpartum Planning
Your postpartum journey is just as important as your pregnancy and birth, so why not best prepare for it! Here we delve deeper into setting you and your family up for a stronger transition into parenthood. Topics discussed are postpartum recovery & care, healthy newborn sleep habits, swaddling and newborn soothing techniques, infant feeding, baby wearing, postpartum mental health, setting up your support system, etc.